Watch and listen to a Navajo Indian family teach their children and grandchildren about the Navajo night skies, through story and music, in a traditional Navajo Hogan (home). Learn how Coyote tossed up a blanket full of crystals, creating stars and chaos in the Universe.
NOTE: According to traditional Navajo protocol, cultural stories of the Night Sky, including stories of the Sun, the Moon and the stars, can be told only during the winter months. However, at midsummer, a shorter version of the stories can be shared for educational or healing purposes, during the time of the Summer Solstice and during the two weeks following the Summer Solstice.
NAVAJO SKIES is a full-dome animated star-show featuring authentic Navajo astronomy stories told in Navajo and English, with traditional Navajo songs and Native American flute music. The show was created and recorded on the Navajo Nation.
Created by the Indigenous Education Institute
Navajo Nation, UT and San Juan Islands, WA
Flute music by Tommy Wildcat.
Voices by Navajos from Bluff UT and Navajo Nation
Native American, Navajo astronomy, star constellations, Navajo songs (abbreviated)
general audiences, grades 3+
32 min
English, Navajo
- An Introductory Guide to The Navajo Skies Planetarium Show
Seeing the Skies through Navajo Eyes - An Introduction to Cross-Cultural Astronomy (37 pages)
8 modules of western astronomy (audio and video) for the planetarium to accompany Navajo Skies, providing comparisons between Navajo and western astronomy constellations.
An astronomer, Dr. Mendez and his students discuss the stars and the Universe.
To order our planetarium shows, visit the Space Update Inc. online store.