Larry Cat In Space is a playful, imaginative cartoon presentation about an inquisitive cat who takes a trip to the Moon.
The educational focus of Larry Cat In Space is the Moon and its relationship to Earth. The first-person narrative style allows audience members to identify with the main character and share in his adventures. His experiences teach important facts about the Moon and Earth. Multidisciplinary themes in lunar geography, earth/space sciences, physical science, and science as a human endeavor are woven throughout the program, and help relate the information presented in the show to the lives of students, families, and the general public.
Produced by Loch Ness Productions.
- objects in the sky: Moon, Sun, stars
- the moon's changing appearance
- lunar gravity, surface terrain, surface temperature motions and forces: lunar gravity, weightlessness
- science as a career choice
- transportation from Earth's to low-earth orbit
- future modes of transportation to the Moon
- future science bases on the lunar surface
K-3 and family audiences of all ages
English, Arabic, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
To order our planetarium shows, visit the Space Update Inc. online store.